Being happy: Walking Therapy

John was having a rough morning so we went on a walk during lunch. The weather was beautiful. Hopefully he left feeling better. It made my day to have some time with him.

Being happy: with lots of tea

I got a huge package of tea in the mail from Jennifer Bliss today! Thanks so much for all of it. We almost thought it was lost in the mail, so it was a nice surprise. Now I’m settling down for the night with a cup of Chai Redbush from Yogi Tea. :9

Being happy: Organization

Bought an armoire because my small collection of jewelry seemed to be getting out of hand. Being organized isn’t neccessarily the direct cause of my happiness but it calms me and being calm allows me to be happy.

Being happy: The Weekend

I love meeting up with friends unexpectedly and spending the whole day together. We met new people, had great conversations, many laughs and delicious food. John and I finished our night out with some icecream. Our unplanned day was a success! Any day that ends with icecream is a success.

Being happy: Happy Hour

We had so much fun last night at All Fired Up. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard my face turned red. Afterwards, Ashley and I sat on The World’s Most Boring Bench and talked for an hour. The weather was perfect. There was lots of girl talk (after Giles left) and there were ridiculous pictures taken. Thanks to Emily and Kelly for planning our Happy Hour!

Being happy: Little Changes

Changes, when not too drastic, pep me up. I got it in my head yesterday that I wanted to change my hair color. Not too different, you probably can’t even tell by the picture, but it’s just a little change.