Design challenge, day 11, I don’t think I’ll ever get out of here…

I’m feeling under the weather, so all I can think about is tea. I’m also in the middle of two books and just started a third (I have ADD sometimes when it comes to books). A Storm of Swords, Dragons of Autumn Twilight and I just started Stormdancer. Anyone else reading those?   Image credit: …

Design challenge, day 9, you didn’t have to love me like you did…

…But you did and I thank you! This matches the Save the Dates and invitation I designed for John’s and my upcoming wedding. Jessy coordinated a bachelorette party for me last night and it was awesome! Sushi, improv at SAK, followed by karaoke and then of course the obligatory late-night IHOP run. It’s been a …

Design challenge, day 8, dragon wisdom

Another quote from the land of Skyrim. The whole story of the game revolves around these dragons that are trying to take back the earth and ultimately just end everything. Paarthurnax, an old dragon, made the choice to be good and struggled through his own instincts to make it happen.