Today, I’m welcoming Witch Bolt into the world (and by world, I mean Ravelry)! Witch Bolt is a Dungeons & Dragons-inspired, reversible double knit hat that is great for double knitting n00bs!
A beholder stands before you, ready to wipe out your entire knitting group in one fell swoop! Little does he know, you’re a Level 3 Knitting Wizard. You point your knitting needle towards the beholder and a beam of crackling energy launches and attaches to it! You’re able to defeat this giant beast with your knitting prowess alone!
Okay, that’s not exactly how a fight with a beholder would go, but we all know this is really about knitting. Witch Bolt is a Dungeons & Dragons-inspired double knit hat. You knit it up using two colors and when you’re done, it’s magically reversible! Just kidding, there’s no magic here, just your awesome knitting.
I have included links to video tutorials made by myself and others to get you up-to-speed on double knitting, so even if you’re a double knitting n00b, you can make this hat. This was one of my test knitter’s first double knit projects!
The color ‘pattern’ is very easy to memorize, making this knit fairly simple and brainless — I was able to knit this very easily while streaming on Twitch (and if any of you have watched a Twitch stream, you know how distracted a streamer can get with chat)! 😀
Get 3 Dungeons & Dragons-Inspired Knitting Patterns for $12!

To celebrate the release of Witch Bolt, I have bundled up all three of my current Dungeons & Dragons-inspired hat patterns! (Yes, there are more D&D patterns coming! I can't stop dreaming about new ways to interpret spells into knitting. )